Monday, March 4, 2013

In Control

I like to be in control. Most people do.  It’s a joke in our family.  Once when we were driving to church I told my husband that we should stop and get gas.  He thought it was fine.  I pushed it. His response, “I am in control”.  At that exact moment our car glugged and ran out of gas.  I prefer to think that God looked down and said, “Ha! You think you are in control? I will show you who is in control!”

Many things remind me that I am not in control. My son recently got his drivers permit.  I sit in the passenger seat and he chauffeurs me around.  This is the ultimate example of not being in control. I know that I am a more skilled driver than he: I have more experience, more knowledge, and more everything.  However, I choose to sit in the passenger seat and allow him to take us to our destination.  Once in a while I catch myself braking (my invisible passenger side brake) or wanting to steer. I offer “gentle suggestions” like, “I think you don’t want to be so close to that car”, or “people are going to start braking ahead”. I think he would prefer that I simply ride along without giving any direction.

Learning to drive is a lot like learning to navigate the Christian life.  Without a doubt God has more expertise than I do. He’s been through all of the usual life things himself.  He has guided many people before me and will guide many after me. He certainly could offer some gentle suggestions like, “I think you will regret making that decision”, or “people generally don’t prosper when they live that way”. 

Actually, scripture is full of gentle suggestions and commands regarding the proper way to conduct our lives.  Could the Lord take over and get us to our destination with ease? Absolutely. Would we learn much in the process? Absolutely not. We journey each day with our Father who is constantly beside us, offering guidance along the way.  He is like the ultimate Driver’s Ed teacher: he knows all the roads, he knows the destination and he knows what it will take to get there.

Proverbs 3:5 & 6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”

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