This morning while making sure that Buzz, the best
dog in the world, had fresh water, I realized that I had not watered the flower
pots in about 4 days. Let me interject here that I should get points for
remembering the dog…but am apparently neglecting the garden. My garden is definitely looking a little
parched. The flowers in the pots are looking a little faded and weary, and the
roses are (gasp) even a little crispy around the edges. Let me justify my neglect: I have been busy.
There was a lot going on a work, a lot to keep track of at home, and frankly, I
felt that what I deserved to do was sit on the couch.
This morning while checking on the garden I was
reminded of what that kind of neglect will cost me. While I can salvage the
plants in the pots, they will not produce the kind of flowers I will be hoping
for. The crispiness of the roses will mean a lack of new growth. All of the
energy of the plants will be put into sustaining life, not into the production
of something beautiful.
So it is with my relationship with God. When I
neglect to water and feed it, my soul becomes a little faded and dreary, and
dare I say it, a little crispy around the edges. My soul needs and longs to be
fed: daily, hourly, upon the word of God. Life is sustained by Him, but souls
are fed, grow and bear fruit from the daily watering, feeding, and abiding in
Him and His word.
Psalm 1:2-3 “…He enjoys reading the law of the Lord,
and studying it day and night. He is like a tree that grows beside a stream; it
gives fruit at the right time, and its leaves do not dry up. He succeeds in
everything he does.”
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