Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Best Cup of the Day

The love affair began when I was in college. It started innocently enough…and as obsessions go, it grew with each passing day. What was once something I huddled up  to for warmth became something more.  A little here and a little there, and pretty soon I was hooked. Something that started out strong and bitter grew into something sweet and comforting. Coffee: the elixir of the gods, the bringer of life, the good in good morning.

I consider the first cup of coffee to be the best cup of the day.  According to Statistic Brain, more than half of all adult Americans agree with me. “54% of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day, and 60% of the people who drink coffee claim that they need coffee to start their day.”  I start each day sitting on the couch, golden retriever at my feet, coffee cup in hand. Somehow I never miss my first cup of coffee in the morning. It has become a habit.  The worst morning of the week is the one in which I am greeted with the words, “we are out of coffee”. How can I function without the blessed brew? 

Yet often I choose to function without a blessed brew of a different sort. There it is within my grasp each moment of every day-the blessing of time with my heavenly Father. And sometimes, many times, I see that blessed brew waiting for me in the form of prayer, Bible study or reflection and I turn away.

I recently asked some friends to fill in the blank: “I just can’t get through the day without ___”. How would you complete that sentence? The first thing that comes to my mind is my morning coffee. How did I put it? “Coffee:  The elixir of the gods, the bringer of life, the good in good morning.” It could be that I have my priorities a little out of sorts. Quite possibly, my Savior is the bringer of life and He is the good in good morning. Motivational speaker Rob Liano said it like this: “God will overflow your cup, so grab the biggest one you can find.” John 1:16 says it like this: “From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.” I hope that today your cup overflows!

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